
VOICE Key highlights: The Mediterranean Sea: a Neglected Humanitarian Crisis?

With at least 3,129 deaths and disappearances recorded in 2023 alone, the Mediterranean remains the deadliest route for migrants seeking safety. The situation has only worsened in 2024, leaving the international community grappling with a crisis that demands urgent attention and action. To address this issue, VOICE organised the event “The Mediterranean Sea: A Neglected Humanitarian Crisis?” to address the escalating migration crisis unfolding in the region.

One of the key concerns raised was the increasing death toll in the Mediterranean. The panellists emphasised that this is not just a migration issue but a humanitarian crisis, which requires international recognition and support to prevent further loss of life. Another major topic of discussion was the criminalisation of Search and Rescue (SAR) NGOs. The panellists stressed the importance of recognising SAR NGOs as humanitarian organisations rather than politically motivated actors since this recognition is crucial to ensuring their life-saving work can continue without obstruction.

The discussions also highlighted the lack of political will in Europe to address the crisis effectively. Panellists called for stronger collaboration among NGOs and greater institutional support to tackle the Mediterranean crisis. The event concluded with a series of actionable recommendations, including the need for a UN OCHA Humanitarian Response Plan for the Mediterranean, enhanced cooperation between humanitarian and SAR NGOs, and the exploration of new funding mechanisms to support rescue operations.

The Mediterranean crisis continues to claim lives while political inaction persists. It’s time for the international community, especially the EU and Member States, to take a stand, recognise this crisis for what it is—a humanitarian emergency—and provide the support and funding needed to prevent further loss of life.

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