PAH project Kenia: Livelihoods improvements through integrated and environmentally friendly employment development

Polish Humanitarian Action, together with a local partner, Africa Sand Dam Foundation, has been implementing projects focused on the improvement of livelihoods through integrated
and environmentally friendly employment development in South Kenya. Co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the projects respond to the needs of the local community, living in a dry equatorial climate zone. The region is characterised by high rainfall variability, with most of its rivers being seasonal. The economic and social growth of the community rests on rainfed agriculture, but up to 80% of rainwater is lost due to poor water collection and conservation methods. The above factors combined with the negative effects of climate change and a rapid increase in population result in impeded access to safe water, proper hygiene and sanitation, lack of food security and environmental degradation.
Read about the project activities to respond to these problems. Click here to continue reading on page 20 of the VOICE out loud