VOICE President meets with Commissioner Lenarčič

Newly elected VOICE President Pauline Chetcuti met with the EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, to discuss pressing humanitarian issues. Their discussion covered a range of critical topics, including violations of International Humanitarian Law, the bleak humanitarian funding outlook, and the importance of development donors' engagement in fragile contexts.
The meeting provided an opportunity to further solidify the partnership between DG ECHO and the VOICE network, especially in light of the recently adopted VOICE Strategic Plan 2024–2029. Both leaders emphasised the importance of working together in a spirit of trust to advance a shared agenda focused on quality, accountable, well-resourced, principled, and localised humanitarian action.
This meeting underscored the commitment to a collaborative approach in addressing the key challenges facing humanitarian efforts today. VOICE will continue to engage closely with DG ECHO to ensure ongoing cooperation and effective responses to humanitarian needs worldwide.