VOICE at the European Humanitarian Forum 2024

The third edition of the European Humanitarian Forum will take place from Monday 18 to Tuesday 19 March 2024. It will be followed by a Partners’ Segment on the morning of 20 March. The 2024 edition of the EHF “takes place in the context of sharply increasing global humanitarian needs, at a time of shrinking humanitarian space, increasingly complex and protracted conflicts, the politicisation of aid, and increasing vulnerabilities due to climate change.” The main two focus themes for this year are the funding gap and prioritisation, as well as neglected crises and fragile humanitarian environments.
The event will be held at Flagey, Brussels, and will be live-streamed on the EHF website.
We are delighted to announce that during the Forum, the views of VOICE and our humanitarian NGOs members will be shared during the high-level panels and the Humanitarian Talks that will take place during the two days’ event. The event is a key moment for humanitarian NGOs to:
- Raise more political support for and awareness about principled humanitarian action and the current challenges in the humanitarian system.
- Demonstrate NGOs’ added value in the delivery of aid.
In particular, we are happy to announce that Dominic Crowley, VOICE President, will speak at the panel ‘Building stronger community resilience in fragile countries through better access to climate finance’ and Charlotte Schneider, VOICE Board member and Action Contre la Faim Global Program Director, will be present at the panel ‘Enhancing the security of humanitarian workers in conflicts and complex emergencies’.
During the Partners’ Segment, the VOICE President will participate in the closing session.
Please find below an overview of the VOICE participation.
VOICE at the high-level panels:
18 March
Shifting the Lens: Transitioning from Humanitarian Aid to Sustainable Solutions Through Private Investment
David Miliband, President and CEO, International Rescue Committee -
A Humanitarian and Development Partnership to Scale Up Anticipatory Action
Charlotte Slente, Secretary General, Danish Refugee Council -
Preserving the Continuity of Aid Delivery in Times of Political Instability
Jan Egeland, Secretary General, Norwegian Refugee Council
Mathias Mogge, Secretary General / CEO, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. -
The Impact of Russia's War on Healthcare Provision in Ukraine
Eliana Silvina Olaizola Gomitolo, International Programs Director, Doctors of the World -
Children in Crisis: Invisible and Forgotten Victims of Armed Conflicts and Humanitarian Emergencies
Pim Kraan, CEO, Save The Children
Andrew Morley, President and Chief Executive Officer, World Vision International
19 March
Improving the Efficiency of Humanitarian Aid Delivery: The Strategic Humanitarian Supply Chain and Logistics
David Miliband, President and CEO, International Rescue Committee
Cecile Terraz, Supply Chain Director, Plan International -
Participation of Local Responders in Designing Humanitarian Response
Mandy Yamanis, Director of the Global Partnership Centre, GOAL -
One Year After UNSCR 2664: Where Do We Stand, and Where to Next?
Florence Daunis, Director of Operations, Handicap International / Humanity and Inclusion
Kathryn Striffolino, Director for Humanitarian Policy, Mercy Corps -
Media Coverage of Forgotten Crises: Maintaining a Strong Focus in a Competing Media Environment
Sofia Sprechmann, Secretary General, CARE International -
Humanitarian Needs vs Resources: The Obligation to Bridge the Funding Gap
Shahin Ashraf, Head fo Global Advocacy, Islamic Relief -
Enhancing the Security of Humanitarian Workers in Conflicts and Complex Emergencies
Charlotte Schneider, Global Program Director, Action Contre la Faim and VOICE Board member -
(Dis)Respecting International Humanitarian Law in Today’s Armed Conflicts: Monitoring and Reporting
Sally Abi Khalil, Middle East and North Africa Regional Director, Oxfam -
Building Stronger Community Resilience in Fragile Countries Through Better Access to Climate Finance
Dominic Crowley, Emergency Director, Concern Worldwide and VOICE President
Gloria Namakula, Climate Youth Advocate, Plan International
Harpinder Collacott, Executive Director - Europe, Mercy Corps
VOICE at the Humanitarian Talks (organisers and speakers):
18 March
Protecting Civilians in Conflict and Recovery: Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas and the link to Landmines and Explosive Ordnance Contamination
Danish Refugee Council, Handicap International / Humanity and Inclusion -
Schools in crisis: the challenges of the right to education in the protracted crises of Venezuela and Colombia
Jesuit Service Refugee -
Northwest Nigeria: neglecting a humanitarian response in a fragile context
Danish Refugee Council, Action Contre la Faim, Solidarités International -
Locally led and owned humanitarian action in fragile and forgotten contexts: how to close the funding gap
ADRA, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe -
Vulnerable migrants in forgotten crisis and fragile environments - protection and humanitarian assistance: a case study in Yemen
19 March
Preventing and mitigating violence and violations through proactive humanitarian protection
Norwegian Refugee Council -
Conflict-related hunger: IHL compliance as a tool to prevent food insecurity
Oxfam , Action Contre la Faim -
How to enhance disability-inclusive, accountable and quality programming in fragile and protracted crisis contexts amid funding constraints? Case study: South Sudan
Handicap International / Humanity and Inclusion -
Promoting child survival in the hunger and malnutrition crisis: tackling child wasting and strengthening primary health care in humanitarian settings
International Rescue Committee -
Joined-up action for collective outcomes: accelerating access and coordination for water, sanitation and hygiene in fragile contexts and forgotten crises
Norwegian Refugee Council
You can access the full programme of the EHF 2024 on the official website and download it in PDF format here.