EU Humanitarian Budget 2025: VOICE continues its advocacy

By the end of 2024, it is expected that 308.5 million people will need life-saving humanitarian support because of natural and man-made crises, 8.5 million more than expected at the beginning of the year. The current figures on the United Nations (UN) Financial Tracking Service show that global humanitarian appeals are only 19% funded (as of June 2024), leaving a gap of US$ 39.38 billion. This is a record gap and one that fails to prevent entirely avoidable human suffering, in worst cases death, and in the longer term serves to exacerbate poverty and vulnerability.
On 19 June, the European Commission (EC) published the Draft Budget for 2025 proposing €1.89 billion for humanitarian aid. The negotiations are ongoing, the Council will publish its position in July. Then, the Parliament will discuss the proposal in Committees before they share their opinion with the Budget Committee in early September.
VOICE will continue its advocacy work to increase the annual budget line for humanitarian aid. In addition, we will advocate for resources from the Emergency Aid Reserve (EAR) to be fully mobilised to reinforce the humanitarian aid budget line.