Webinar on 'Tackling the humanitarian consequences of climate change: Scaling up anticipatory action’
Organised by the European Commission, France, the Anticipation Hub and VOICE, in preparation of the European Humanitarian Forum (24-26 January 2022 in Brussels).
The webinar will be held on 14th December 2021, from 10:00 to 12:00. Participants are required to register here. The deadline to register for the webinar is 13 December 2021 (18:00 CET).
The Forum will offer a European perspective on humanitarian challenges for an international audience and contribute to identifying solutions and actions to address the unprecedented level of needs and constraints faced by humanitarian operators and beneficiaries. The webinar aims at identifying gaps and possible solutions to reinforce multi-hazard/multi-risk disaster preparedness approaches to scale up anticipatory action in humanitarian contexts through exploring case studies, a virtual roundtable and interactive engagement from participants. Should you like to make a short (2-minute) intervention from the floor, please signal it in advance to ECHO-ARR-DP@ec.europa.eu.