Where is the humanitarian turning point? – The ‘Zeitenwende’ debate, humanitarian priorities and European responsibilities - Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA)

The war in Ukraine has initiated a fundamental change in central policy areas such as foreign, security and energy. Why hasn’t this development been applied to the financing, reform and coordination of humanitarian action yet? Despite new and substantially increased humanitarian challenges due to the war in Ukraine and a persistent reform backlog in the humanitarian system, a “humanitarian turning point” has not yet been reached in central fields. This applies to the lack of funding and localisation of aid, its fundamental challenges in the context of climate change and humanitarian change, as well as its gender and digitalisation dimensions. Click here to see the detailed program schedule for CHA Annual Conference 2022. If you want to participate on-site, please register until 16 November 2022.here and let us know if you want to participate online or in Berlin However, participation will of course also be possible via Zoom. Register |