
Le Sahel en mutation: Coopérations d'avenir - Fokus Sahel

> 09:00 - 17:00
Berlin, Bamako, N'Djamena, Niamey, and Ouagadougou
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Invitation to the Civil Society Conference: The Changing Sahel - Future Cooperations

The conference will allow civil society actors from the Sahel and Europe, in dialogue with political representatives and researchers, to share their experiences and develop ideas on how future cooperations can be designed considering the questions raised above. Particular attention will be given to the positions of civil society actors from the Sahel on these issues to ensure they are better heard, recognized, and supported.

Date: 10 to 12 June 2024


  • In Berlin: Gäste- und Tagungshaus "Am Glockengarten", Glockenstraße 8, 14163 Berlin-Zehlendorf

  • In the Sahel: In Bamako, N'Djamena, Niamey, and Ouagadougou, it is possible to participate online at the premises of the NGOs.

Languages: German and French (with simultaneous interpretation)

Please refer to this document for more information.