
Molly Jerlström

Junior Advocacy Assistant

Molly joined the VOICE Secretariat in May 2024 as a Junior Advocacy Assistant, supporting the facilitation of the Humanitarian Partnership Watch Group and the Resilience-Nexus Working Group.

Previously, Molly worked for over two years at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs as a Desk Officer in the Humanitarian Affairs division. She was responsible for policy efforts to increase the efficiency of humanitarian funding, focusing on quality funding and localisation of aid. She managed strategic partnerships with other humanitarian donors, as well as the Horn of Africa and Yemen files. In October 2023, Molly moved to Brussels for a traineeship with the European Commission (DG ECHO), before joining the VOICE Secretariat.

Molly holds a Bachelor's degree in International Relations, as well as a Master's degree in Political Science with a specialisation in Crisis Management and Security. 

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