
Reinforcing capacity sharing and mutual learning between local and international humanitarian actors – Trócaire on the VOL 35

Capacity sharing is an emerging concept that arises from reevaluating traditional models like capacity building and capacity strengthening. It represents the deliberate and unhindered movement of expertise, resources, and influence within a system encompassing all contributors to humanitarian, development, peace, and climate action.

In this context, capacity encompasses diverse forms such as experience, technical skills, financial resources, and influence. It is not a linear or predetermined process but rather organic and multidirectional, dependent on demand and existing capacity. Recognizing the limitations of top-down approaches, capacity sharing aims to complement and strengthen existing capacities rather than imposing external frameworks. It acknowledges power imbalances and seeks to foster equitable partnerships for effective collaboration at local and national levels.

In this article, Trócaire delves into the challenges and principles of capacity sharing at the time that shares a practical example of how they put it into practice with local actors in Guatemala.


Click here to read the article by Trócaire

Click here to read the whole VOICE out loud issue: “Localisation: exploring a multifaceted agenda”