
Outcome paper on risk sharing

In March 2024, Charter4Change, the Red Cross EU Office, and VOICE co-organised a session during DG ECHO Partners' Segment which focused on “Equitable Partnerships: towards a fairer sharing of compliance-related risks”.  

The session brought together representatives from local and national NGOs, INGOs, the IFRC Network, and DG ECHO. The discussion served to:  

❶ Provide an overview of the compliance risks, fostering a shared understanding of how practices impact each actor.  

❷ Share good practice examples of practical steps taken to address barriers to risk sharing related to compliance and misuse of resources.  

❸ Explore where risk-sharing modalities are already in place in DG ECHO-funded programmes and identify opportunities to set realistic commitments to replicate good practice modalities. 

Some enablers for better risk sharing that were highlighted during the session were: 

  • Conducive partnership environment 

  • Harmonisation of donor regulations 

  • Peer-reviewed joint risk analysis 

  • Capacity strengthening of local partners 

  • Regular and open dialogue 

We have released an outcome paper to summarise the discussion. If you are curious to learn more, access the full outcome paper here