Follow the Forecast: Anticipatory Action in Fragile Settings – International Rescue Committee in the VOL 37

The International Rescue Committee's latest article in VOICE Out Loud discusses the critical role of anticipatory action in fragile settings. This piece examines how proactive measures, such as anticipatory cash transfers, can significantly enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities facing climate shocks and other crises.
The article highlights the success of anticipatory cash transfers in Nigeria, demonstrating how early financial support can help households reduce negative coping strategies, protect livelihoods, and make productive investments. By acting before disasters strike, these interventions can mitigate the severe impacts of climate shocks on already vulnerable populations.
The International Rescue Committee identifies the need for increased funding and research to expand anticipatory action in fragile settings. Despite the proven benefits, only a small fraction of humanitarian funding is currently allocated to these proactive measures. The article advocates for a paradigm shift towards anticipatory action, calling for stronger political commitment, better early warning systems, and innovative financial strategies to support these efforts.
Learn how anticipatory action can transform humanitarian responses in fragile settings and protect the most vulnerable communities.
Click here to read the article by the International Rescue Committee.