HI webinar - Always Included: Uninterrupted education for children with disabilities before, during, and after a crisis

How can we ensure continuity of learning, teaching, and financing for education in crisis-prone contexts, in order to leave no one behind?
This webinar provides the opportunity to present and discuss the main findings and recommendations from a new report released by Humanity & Inclusion.
Building on a number of case-studies, testimonies, data, as well as considerations from key informant’s interviews, this report illustrates how education systems need to become more inclusive for children and youth with disabilities and, at the same time, more resilient to cope with crises and to ensure education in all settings and circumstances.
This is particularly relevant in the world we live in, which is increasingly marked by multiple and simultaneous shocks, recurring and protracted crises, and the impact of climate change.
Panelists with diverse backgrounds will share their perspectives:
- Maha Khochen-Bagshaw, Inclusive Education Specialist at Education Cannot Wait (ECW)
- Amal Barghouthy, Education Technical Officer at Humanity & Inclusion (occupied Palestinian territory)
- Jacqueline Tindano, Teacher (Burkina Faso)
- Oumarou Manou, President technical advisor of the West African Federation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (FOAPH/ WAFOD)
- Illiass Alhousseini, representing the African Campaign Network for Education for All (ANCEFA) in Niger
Welcoming remarks will be given by Sarah Botton, Project Manager in the Partnerships with Civil Society Organisations Division at the French Development Agency (AFD).
The webinar will be held on 14 December 2023 at 3pm CET
Interpretation and closed captioning in English, French, and Arabic will be provided.
Please register here to participate!