Silvia Sinibaldi
Humanitarian Director
Caritas Italy

With more than 10 years of experience in the NGO sector, Silvia Sinibaldi has developed solid advocacy and project management skills. Her experience in the Development Committee of the European Parliament enriched her understanding of the functioning of the EU and policy influencing.
Since 2013, Silvia Sinibaldi works for Caritas Europa where she was appointed Humanitarian Director in 2016. She set up the humanitarian action plan for Caritas Europa 2020 and she is responsible for coordination of response to emergencies in Europe.
Member of Caritas Europa Senior Management Team and Humanitarian Steering Group, Silvia Sinibaldi is the Caritas representative in the VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force and actively participates in VOICE and CONCORD advocacy campaigns.
Silvia Sinibaldi holds a Master degree in International Economics, Politics and Institutions from the University of Pavia (Italy).